PD20 series 專業顯示器



PD series是為電腦繪圖工作者所設計的專業顯示器,將繪圖流程中需要頻繁切換的亮度、對比、色彩模式等功能,整合至桌面快捷控制器-Hotkey puck,使用者不必伸手觸及螢幕就能快速調整。提供充足的USB type-C、USB 3.1等高效傳輸接口,使用者可外接多元裝置來擴充效能,打造繪圖工作站。整體造型簡潔俐落,背蓋與支架隱藏孔洞與轉軸結構,仍可完善具備高低、傾斜、旋轉等調整彈性,底座最薄處僅3.5mm厚度,輕薄平整,可收納筆電、鍵盤與Hotkey puck,釋放更多桌面空間給使用者運用。

PD Series is a professional designer monitor that combine frequent switching functions such as brightness, contrast and color settings in a desktop controller for instant access. Designers can build a workstation connected various devices and monitors to PD Series. The type-C Thunderbolt 3 ports allow one cable to simplify all connections to power and charge notebook. The whole form is clean-cut; hidden structures in the back cover and frame enable a range of adjustments such as height, tilting and pivoting. The base is 3.5mm at the thinnest, slim and flat for storage of a laptop, keyboard and Hotkey puck, achieving extra desktop space.


The PD20 Series is a designer monitor that combines frequently used switching functions in the Hotkey Puck with instant applications. The user can put the Hotkey Puck in an accessible place for quick and easy adjustment of the monitor. The brightness, contrast and color are adjusted using the dial scale on the rotational disc and the instant accurate display of the calibration is helpful for improvement of the efficiency. The hidden cylindrical foot stand is adjustable in height and can be tilted or rotated. To provide a broader working space on the desk, the designer can easily put the notebook or keyboard on the 3.5 mm thick alloy base. The product is made of solid and durable material. It is the best expression of design in the combination of form and functionality.
