GS2 行動投影機




  • 好架設:減輕外出攜帶設備的不便,內建可調整角度底座:提供0~15快速調整角度的底座。內建Android智能功能與手機連線功能,享受多元內容推播。
  • 好防護:採用橡膠材質與防水結構, 達到防水、防塵、防摔的防護性,戶外使用更放心。磁吸式電源接頭, 外力拉扯時能立即分離避免絆倒人員。
  • 好護眼:希望幼童不會受到投影機強光的傷害,內建環境光偵測,隨時提供最舒適畫面;內建人體感測器避免LED光源傷害到眼睛。

GS2 is a portable smart projector designed for outdoor enthusiasts. It has passed waterproof, dustproof, and shockproof tests via rubberized protective structure. The 15 degrees tilting adjustable base that allows easier setup. The ambient light detection enables smart eye-care mode. Light is turned off immediately when a person is detected in proximity to prevent harm caused by glare. A magnetic power connector is used to ensure disconnection in case of undue strain, preventing tripping. With a built-in battery and Android system, large screen video is accessible wirelessly.


The GS2 is a portable LED projector designed for outdoor enthusiasts. It has passed waterproof, dustproof, and shockproof tests with its rubberized protective structure. The 15-degree tilting adjustable base provides easy setup in the circumstances where no table or holder is available. The ambient light detection allows activation of the smart eye-care mode whenever it is necessary. A magnetic power connector is used to ensure disconnection and prevent stripping in case of undue strain. The simple and elegant design incorporates the scenario of application and the living style of the user, allowing an excellent experience in the installation, operation, enjoyment of videos and storage.
