W5700 家用投影機



W5700是為影音愛好者所設計的4K HDR家庭劇院投影機,可100% 精準呈現DCI-P3數位電影院等級色域。為了融於暗房影音室的使用環境,全機身採消光咬花,正面亦使用霧面噴漆,可減少光線漫射反光造成的視覺干擾。入風口肋條向後傾斜,避免機身漏光影響投影畫面。長期吊掛容易產生落塵堆積,進而影響投影機效能表現,因此進出風口皆採垂直肋條設計,減少灰塵堆積,避免機器吸入堆積的落塵,在鏡頭上方有一個獨特保護罩設計,移動時可避免鏡頭碰撞,吊掛時可減少灰塵直接落在鏡頭上影響畫面。

W5700 is a true 4K DLP home cinema projector with 100% DCI-P3 Cinematic Color, designed for A/V enthusiasts. The matt black chassis blends perfectly into dark media rooms. Matt finish is also applied to the front panel to prevent reflected glare, which can cause visual discomfort. Air intake vents incline backwards to prevent light leak from affecting image quality, while vertical air vents reduce the accumulation of dust due to long-term suspension, which can affect projection performance. A protective cover is placed above the lens to shield it from damage during transportation and prevent dust from affecting image quality.
