W1700是一款4K家用投影機,可讓使用者輕鬆自行架設,且外型易於融入居家環境。為了讓使用者可快速設定最佳投影狀態,機身上標記重心位置作為安裝指示,可減少因為投影機傾斜而需反覆調整的繁瑣程序,並將調整畫面高低的Adjustable Feet移至最外緣,便於手指抓取與施力旋轉,增加焦距調整環與手指接觸面積,則讓使用者的目光不必離開畫面就能一指觸及進行調整,內建Light Sensor感應系統,可偵測環境光源來自動調整最合適的投影亮度與色彩模式。W1700的造型設計強調與居家環境的相容性,避免銳利線條或搶眼色彩影響原有擺設的協調性,而是採用家居用品常見的圓潤線條及灰白中性色調,簡樸溫和的外型可更自然地融於各式家居空間。
W1700 is a true 4K HDR projector designed for A/V enthusiasts to enjoy an authentic digital cinema experience at home. The center of gravity is marked to avoid tilting the projector too much. The adjustable feet for setting the image height are on the outer edges for easy access. The focus tuning wheel has a large contact area allowing the user to make adjustments with just one finger while keeping their eyes on the screen. The built-in light sensor detects light sources and sets the brightness/color mode accordingly. With simple rounded lines and neutral tones, W1700 accentuates beautiful aesthetics to fit home decoration.
The projection can quickly adjust the lens. The exterior design is beautiful, and the sophisticated design means it easily blends in with an office environment or home space.