GS1 行動投影機



GS1是專為露營生活所設計的家用投影機,機身重量低於一公斤,單手即可掌握,可同時滿足室內與戶外多種使用情境。使用雙料射出製作機殼強化觸感與防摔保護,一體式無縫按鍵及內凹式散熱孔與鏡頭,避免水珠進入機身,讓GS1同時通過IPX1防水、60公分摔落測試,搭配專用果凍套更可加強防護。一公尺即可投出60吋大畫面,一鍵3秒開機並自動校正畫面,透過USB隨身碟/micros SD卡、藍牙4.0、手機鏡相功能、內建Android作業系統與多款影音App提供豐富影音內容,搭配專屬外接式電池提供3小時影片播放續航力,提供5種影像模式因應不同環境亮度需求,讓GS1能隨時隨地打造星空電影院,影音娛樂不再受線路干擾。

GS1 with Camping Mode is a portable, cable free projector that designed to bridge the gap between indoor and outdoor leisure. Enjoy movies on a 60″ Screen at just 1M, weighing less than 1KG, it will fit into any space. It is truly portable, easily fitting into a backpack or even the glove compartment in a car. One touch set up means it’s ideal for non-technical users. The adjustable feet can be manually adjusted to suit the height of temporary screen even with the battery attached. Users can enjoy cable free entertainment via USB readers, Bluetooth 4.0, BenQ Phone App, or stream online content instantly. GS1 is IPX1 Splash Proof via the design of seamless buttons. Inner vents and lens keep spilled water outside. The flexible material withstands drops up to 60cm. The robust one-piece rubber case provides further secure protection. The 3-hour battery can be swapped for a new one in seconds to keep the fun going cordlessly or used as a power bank to charge other devices.

Good Design Award 2017 評語:

It is a projection device that takes portable functions into consideration, and is especially designed for outdoor use. The device’s completeness is seen in the design of its batteries and silica gel waterproof parts, and it proposes a brand-new situation in the use of home projection equipment, something long-familiar to us.
