SW320是為攝影工作者打造的31.5吋4K專業顯示器,可還原100% sRGB色域與99% Adobe RGB的超廣色域,滿足專業色彩管理標準並支援最先進的影像格式標準,還原攝影師在現場所見到的畫面細節。
智慧快捷鍵(Hotkey Puck)可在 Adobe RGB、sRGB 和黑白模式之間輕鬆切換。可自訂按鈕來對應其它模式或 OSD 設定,例如亮度和對比度,快速的操作讓專業工作更便利快捷。
Designed for photography and color accurate work, SW320 is a 31.5” 4K UHD monitor offers extraordinary clarity of fine details and textures on a true 10-bit panel with 99% Adobe RGB color space coverage as well as supporting HDR content. The hardware calibration keeps images consistent with its original copies without being affected by graphic settings. The hotkey puck can be customized to map color modes or OSD settings and switch effortlessly. Its dark matte gray body, inner frames with a sloped angle, and the detachable shading hood can effectively reduce glare interference.
GOOD Design Award 2017 評語
The simple silhouette of a design that does not go too far and the slightly industrial feel express the expertise of the tool. From the design, which combines a push button under the screen to the stability of the cover structure and the structure of the easy-to-rotate screen, it is evident that research on users has been carried out in the design process.