InstaShow 多人無線簡報系統



InstaShow是一款無須安裝任何驅動程式、隨插即用、一鍵即放的無線簡報系統解決方案,支援Windows、OSX等各大作業系統,適用於各種具備HDMI連接埠,如藍光播放機、DVD播放機、電視盒、PS4等多媒體播放設備。最高可同時與16組設備配對,僅需按下按鈕,即可瞬間切換設備,是多人大型會議室的最佳無線投影解決方案。InstaShow採用WiFi標準IEEE 802.11ac無線網路規格,最高可傳輸400Mbps,即使在使用量大的無線網路環境中,也能流暢播放Full HD 1080p高畫質影音,採用AES 128-bit安全加密與WPA2認證協議,確保企業的知識財產在簡報時不被遭竊,支援HDCP高解析度數位內容保護,則可確保任何數位版權內容的播放品質。InstaShow的發送器使用金屬材質來提供穩固結構,並以橡膠包覆表層提供舒適握感,兼具止滑效果,經過測試的線材最佳使用長度,便於連接使用,專用的收納盒特別設計為可直立或橫放,使用者可視會議環境擺設,避免影響簡報過程。
InstaShow is a wireless solution for streaming of Full HD presentations in meetings. With just a quick connection and the push of a button, InstaShow allows multiple presenters to immediately switch wirelessly projecting Full HD content without driver installation or extended cable runs. The only compatibility requirements are USB/HDMI ports on your devices. Its 5GHz 802.11ac WiFi operation ensures absolutely smooth wireless streaming without lag or buffering. The handy buttons can be housed in the compact cradle to deliver professional and reliable impression with your presentation.

Good Design Awards 2016評語

InstaShow, which does not require the installation of any applications, can be used by simply plugging in. It enables the simultaneous pairing of up to 16 pieces of equipment. It can be operated easily, allowing the user to switch from one device to another simply by pressing a button. It is suitable for use as a wireless projector in large meetings. The transmitter uses sturdy metal materials, and its surface is covered with rubber which makes it easy to carry and prevents it from slipping off. The dedicated storage box is specially designed so that InstaShow can be placed vertically or horizontally, enabling the flexible use of space. With its simple shape, the product sends a clear message to the user.
