treVolo S 靜電藍牙喇叭



treVolo S承襲了世界首款靜電可攜式藍牙喇叭treVolo的高階音響規格和可折疊設計,可單手掌握,外型更輕巧細緻。採用百萬等級Hi-End音響專用的靜電薄膜技術,失真率僅為一般傳統錐盆喇叭技術的1/10,靜電薄膜雙面發聲避免箱音音染,傳遞乾淨通透的音質細節。內建雙12W低音喇叭與雙擴大器,低音快速飽滿,與靜電薄膜純淨中高音充分融合,創造全音域平衡的聆聽體驗。採用NFC功能讓裝置輕觸即可完成藍牙配對,並將電池續航力提升至18小時,讓美好音樂可隨時隨地輕鬆享受。treVolo S的獨特展翅設計完美發揮靜電喇叭的輕薄特性, 聆聽時展開雙翅以獲得最佳音場表現,羽翼前後4面發聲趨近於自然樂器發聲原理,即使在最小音量下也能展現細膩音質,收合雙翅則兼顧收納與攜帶的便利性。
The treVolo S uses the same Electrostatic Speaker Technology that is typically reserved for high-end speaker systems to create smaller, lighter Bluetooth speakers with rich audio details. With a distortion rate that is only one-tenth of the rate of conventional speakers and no cabinet resonance, the entire thin-film diaphragm offers bidirectional sound projection for a more detailed audio performance and accurate delivery of natural, crisp and clear sounds. Powered by dual 12W woofers, dual amplifiers, and dual vibrating diaphragms, treVolo S produces smooth, rich bass sounds and distinguishable sweet highs. When the wings of treVolo S are open, music takes flight from its dual-sided electrostatic diaphragm; when the wings are closed, it is easily carried and stored. Users can easily pair smartphone or tablet with treVolo S by lightly touching the device to the N mark on treVolo S. Equipped with long lasting batteries, treVolo S can deliver 18 hours of uninterrupted audio enjoyment.

Good Design Awards 2016評語

The treVolo S is a portable Bluetooth speaker. NFC functionality enables Bluetooth pairing simply by touching the equipment lightly, and the unique design, which looks like a bird spreading its wings, makes the electrostatic speaker compact. When it is being used, both wings are spread out to provide enhanced acoustic effects. The product is structured so that sounds are produced from the four sides of the wings (front and back), which enables the natural acoustic effects of a surround sound system to be created. The two-wing structure with foldable wings makes the speaker easy to store and carry. The overall shape is simple and elegant, and the elaborate texture of the materials gives off an air of luxury. The product has an appropriate balance between design quality and functionality.
