treVolo A是全球第一台整合A類放大器與陶瓷高音的Wi-Fi喇叭,藉由機身後方的金屬散熱片讓A類放大器發揮最大功效,低失真完美重現原音,清澈透明的陶瓷高音搭配渾厚飽滿的中音、低音,三音路單體展現層次豐富的聲音細節。treVolo A可連網收聽串流音樂及網路廣播,透過NFC感應與藍牙配對則可輕鬆播放行動裝置上的音樂,並支援SPDIF接頭傳輸高傳真音源。機身頂側及背側的圖騰設計傳達出數位樂曲的律動意象,呼應treVolo音響系列注重音質細節及智慧科技的特質。
TreVolo A is the first Wi-Fi Speaker to integrate a Class A Amplifier with ceramic tweeter. its rear heat sinks enhance the effectiveness of amplifier, reproducing the original audio by using crystal clear sound from the ceramic tweeter combined with rich midrange and deep bass. TreVolo A can access all your music by streaming online over Wi-Fi, connecting smart devices via NFC and Bluetooth, or transmitting lossless audio over SPDIF. The vivid pattern at the top and rear represent the rhythm of digital music as well as the detail-oriented and intelligent characteristic of treVolo series.
Good Design Awards 2016評語
The treVolo A combines a Grade A amplifier, which minimizes audio distortion, and a ceramic tweeter to faithfully reproduce sounds down to the finest detail. The metal portion at the back of the equipment releases heat effectively enabling the Grade A amplifier to demonstrate a high level of performance. At the same time, the use of brass provides the treVolo A project with the image of high-grade audio equipment and renders the texture of the amplifier elaborate. The design of the top and the back of the equipment projects an image of digital music, indicating the designer”s particular attention to delicate sound quality and the characteristics of smart networks.