CH100 行動投影機



CH100是全球首款專為設計師/視覺相關工作所開發設計的LED投影機,具有Full HD 1080P高解析度以及sRGB精準色彩,一手掌握的輕薄機身搭配簡約乾淨的外型設計,便於攜帶外出提案。CH100具有圖像、動畫、文字、增豔、劇院等多種使用模式,兼顧多媒體簡報與影音娛樂需求,並自動調整顯示比例與梯形校正,讓電源一開就有完美畫面,電源開啟時若滑閉鏡頭蓋,則會響鈴告知,並於15秒後自動關機。CH100的30dB低噪音讓投影機不再干擾會議進行,聽眾可沉浸在精采流暢的簡報當中,採用LED環保光源,則可保證20,000小時長效完美顯色。圓潤弧角搭配加深的格柵式散熱槽設計,從任何視角觀看,CH100都保持純淨的美感,機身上的綠飾環可突顯焦距調整操作區,也呼應了環保節能的清新意象。
With sRGB color accuracy and 1080p resolution for delicate image details, CH100 portable projector produces outstanding picture quality of mixed-media presentations. It is designed to achieve a minimalist look from every angle and as compact as a 13-inch laptop. CH100 powers on in mere seconds and immediately projects from the auto-detected source with Auto Aspect Ratio and Auto Keystone. When the lens cover has been closed, CH100 conveniently turns off after 15 seconds. With quiet 30 dBA operation, CH100 presents a flawless audiovisual experience without obtrusive noises.

Good Design Awards 2016評語

The CH100 projector boasts of a high resolution with full HD 1080 pixels and sRGB-based color reproducibility. It provides automatic adjustments, making for easy operation, and in addition, its compact size which allows it to be held in one hand, its simple and clear-cut shape, round edge lines, and deep, grid-type heat-dispersing holes combine to achieve a sophisticated, purely beautiful design. In terms of functionality and design quality, the projector aims to meet the needs of both designers and those concerned with imagery.
