E7 Series 螢幕



E7 series具備智慧低藍光功能,僅濾除對眼睛有害的420-455nm短波藍光,保留無害的455nm以上長波藍光,護眼同時提供色彩不失真的視覺體驗。E7 series具有藍光調整快捷鍵,使用者可快速選擇最適藍光模式,並可偵測環境光源自動調整螢幕亮度,內建計時器可設定護眼休息提醒,不閃屏技術則可減少眼睛疲勞。E7 series僅3mm的極薄邊框設計讓視野無限延伸,T型底座設計則減少視覺上的量感,同時提供穩固支撐,平整無凸起的背部搭配髮絲紋表面,更顯機身的纖薄與細緻。
The E7 Series features low blue-light technology by filtering out the harmful spectrum (420 to 455 nm) and delivers reduced blue light (455 nm+) while providing undistorted colors. The hotkey allows users to set the optimal blue light conditions. The E7 Series detects ambient light and automatically adjusts the screen brightness; it also features a built-in timer to remind users to rest their eyes and a flicker-free screen to reduce eyestrain. The T-shaped base reduces visual clutter while providing stable support. The monitor’s 3 mm bezel allows for wide angle viewing, while the flat back surface showcases its sophisticated and ultra-thin design.
