Viva Pro 平板式超音波檢測儀



Viva pro為平板式超音波檢測儀,具有10吋觸控螢幕與腳座/把手雙用特殊結構,體積小、重量輕且耐摔防水,適用於空間較小的診間以及移動頻繁的醫療環境。不同於傳統的超音波使用windows作業系統使用觸控筆或滑鼠,viva pro選擇Android系統,不僅提供較好的散熱與省電效果,在介面設計上可以貼近平板的操作體驗。外觀以塑膠雙料射出(Double-Injection)的質感處理取代傳統醫療產品的噴漆方式,好清理、耐用不掉漆,且防撞保護效果佳。為了滿足移動性的需求,更設計了一個具有把手功能的腳座配件,往下翻開可當腳座使用,垂直往上旋轉則可變成手提把手,一個配件便可滿足兩種使用情境。另外,考量較複雜的診察情境,同時也設計了一款輕便型的專用台車,可俐落收納多支探頭與膠罐,移動方便且不占空間。
Viva pro is a compact, lightweight, and energy efficient ultrasound tablet features a 10″ touchscreen, especially suitable for a mobile examination environment. The device features an enhanced waterproof and impact resistant design for use in many different types of medical services. For added mobility, Viva pro features a handle at the base that can be pulled out, used as a stand or a handle by rotating upwards—a simple component that adds multiple functions. For complex examinations, we design a lightweight trolley that can hold probes, plastic bottles, or wind cables to comprehensively save space. Viva pro operates on Android that offers cooling, energy efficiency, and an intuitive operating system specifically designed for a tablet interface.
