- Good Design Awards 2015
- Red Dot Award:Product Design 2015
- iF Design Award 2016
RL55 series為針對家用主機電玩所設計的電競螢幕,採用高反應速率面板讓畫面不延遲,以霧面邊框設計避免眩光,搭配實體按鍵可快速調整設定或切換訊源,讓玩家在電腦螢幕上也能享受流暢的主機遊戲體驗。。考量到玩家周邊裝置的置放需求,斜面霧面底座結合止滑TPU的設計,可輕鬆放置遊戲手把或鍵盤,螢幕後方掛勾則便於收納耳機。
RL55 series are professional gaming monitors tailored for console gamers. Featuring low input lag, RL55 series enhances a smooth gaming experience when compared to TV. With black matte finish bezel, RL series can reduce glare and reflective light to eliminate visual distraction. A hotkey designed beneath the display allows users to switch between inputs. With TPU strap on the ridge of the triangular base, RL series can offer convenient storage of controllers or keyboards. With a black and red color combination, RL series continue the modern style of BenQ gaming monitors.