EW50 系列螢幕


  • Red Dot Award:Product Design 2015


BenQ EW-series monitor擁有極窄邊框設計,搭配洗鍊的金屬質感,勾勒出精巧的完美視界。針對具有雙螢幕拼接需求的消費者,更可展現出窄邊框特有的價值,讓兩片螢幕彷彿無縫接軌一般。達到延展螢幕的最舒適享受。

  1. 極窄邊框的設計,猶如無邊際般滿足使用者的視覺享受,同樣的畫面尺寸體積卻更小,在空間中顯現美型精巧。將2台螢幕拼接,最趨近無縫的延展,大大減低使用者視覺適應的時間,提供使用者在延伸螢幕上最舒適的視覺觀感。
  2. 螢幕下方的金屬飾片,完美的將結合面板的結構固定件加以美化呈現,省略多餘的組件,讓固定面板的飾片,同時也嶄露於外,透過金屬圖紋的細緻加工,讓極窄的邊框上,多了些雋永的金屬質材點綴。
  3. 底座樸實的金屬光澤,為這勾勒出螢幕的極窄邊框,襯出完美的重心,沉穩、扎實。有別於塑膠材料的底座,讓使用者在清潔擦拭時更方便輕易,不易產生刮痕或擦拭的痕跡,乾淨俐落。
  4. 側邊框的線條飾帶,凹凸相間層次分明,讓平坦的邊框多了的帶狀的修飾,大器中帶有精緻的細節,亦使的產品看來更顯輕薄。

BenQ EW series monitor has a 0.8mm ultra-slim frame with a sophisticated metallic finish covering the base, giving the user the optimal viewing experience. The slim frame creates the ideal dual-monitor configuration as the ultra-thin frames of the two screens seamlessly flow together as one. Display extension mode provides the optimal viewing experience.

  1. The ultra-slim frame creates an infinite display for visual pleasure and saves space with dimensions that are much smaller than other monitors of the same screen size. When joining two ultra-slim frames together, the extended picture is virtually seamless, providing the best visual experience.
  2. The exposed bottom panel fixture, with meticulous metal processing, embellishes the bottom of the ultra-narrow frame—the metal embellishment enhancing the overall texture. By omitting excess parts, the monitor is more environmentally friendly.
  3. The base’s metallic sheen accentuates the exquisite beauty of the ultra-slim frame. Unlike plastic bases, this base is easier to clean and will not scratch or mark easily.
  4. The uniquely layered border gives exquisite detail to an otherwise flat frame, creating an even slimmer yet exquisitely textured look.
