EW40 系列螢幕



EW40 series具備 MHL (Mobile High-Definition Link) 功能,可將智慧型裝置畫面同步到螢幕上。考量使用的直覺與方便性,底座整合設計一可收折置放架,讓裝置有一個良好放置空間;收起時亦能保持簡潔外觀而不占空間,為使用者提供一個便利的操作環境。EW40 series外觀以簡潔現代的風格做呈現,設計語彙來自現代家具及建築,透過簡潔的幾何線條與不同的質感對比,呈現豐富層次,除了更貼近現代居家生活,亦是家中的時尚3C。而背後除了輕薄的美背曲線,垂直方向設計的 IO 區域可將線材集中,外觀也與脖子做造型上的整合,視覺上更為簡潔俐落。

BenQ EW series is a monitor that allows data transmission from smartphone to the display. Through MHL (Mobile High-Definition Link) technology users can mirror their phone screen to the monitor simultaneously for better visual enjoyment. The center of the base enables users to easily store their mobile phone while in use. However it can also be adjusted to flat and smooth surface alternatively. Designers take inspirations from trendy furniture. Therefore the neck of the monitor has extraordinary curve line which extends to the back. For clean and sleek outline I/O hubs are also designed according to the line at the back.
