VW2430 螢幕



BenQ VW2430簡潔、淨白的產品外觀,無論是在公共使用空間,或個人生活氛圍中,皆相得益彰,完全融入。不對稱的結構營造出在比例上的設計特色,貼心的淡綠色配件,除了像在底座上的小造景之外,也解決平日文具或名片令人惱煩的整理動作。VW2430看起來樸淨,用起來方便,單純俐落。

VW2430 is an LED monitor for users who appreciate eco-friendly design and the style of simplicity. Logos and icons are engraved, leaving no printing or coating anywhere, reducing the use of chemicals and improving recyclability. The accessory is an attractive piece of “green decoration” and provides a place for name tags, business cards or notes.
