P1410 數位相機



BenQ DC P1410 為針對喜歡到戶外休閒時拍照的使用者而設計的數位相機,具有7倍光學但依舊保持輕薄讓使用者容易攜帶,針對戶外休閒的活動性較大而設計更佳握持性的手握區域。整體造型以俐落的線條切割呈現速度感,搭配金屬材質的機身呈現沉穩的風格。


P1410 備有 7 倍的光學變焦鏡頭,可輕鬆拍攝遠景;26mm 的廣角也能輕鬆拍攝大角度的建築景觀。3 吋高解析度螢幕可清楚觀賞照片。可拍攝高達 1 千 4 百萬畫素的相片,讓使用者拍出張張清晰精彩的相片。影像晶片具有第二代高反差場景補償(HDR II)的技術,同時備有光學防手震(OIS)的功能,讓照片張張清晰動人。

BenQ DC P1410 is a digital camera especially designed for male consumers who love outdoor activities. The device is equipped with HDR III technology, OIS anti-shake function, and 7x optical zoom lens offering excellent shooting experience regardless of the distance. Delicate golden circle around the lens shows the design concept of “corona”, which means the “speed of light” as well as “great sensing of light”. In echo to the concept the device has a fast switch-on mode for users to capture their best moments at an instant.

GOOD Design AWARD 2011 評語

The styling of the grip section incorporates some almost graphic elements and feels nice and secure in a way that’s just right for an everyday-use digital camera. It has all the image-editing filters you expect from the latest digital cameras (“toy camera” mode, fish-eye lens, color accent etc.), making it fun to take pictures.
