GP10 為 LED 家用輕薄型投影機,為家庭娛樂、親子互動及追求大螢幕高品質視覺畫面享受所設計;整合了抽取式的 DVD 播放機,輕易播放影音,直接將 DVD 透過 GP10 與全家分享。若仍需分享 Notebook 上的畫面時,可將 DVD 播放機抽離,輕薄不占空間。操作區塊平整清楚,透過冷光彰顯操作功能,簡單明瞭。以極簡的幾何元素為造型靈感,打造方圓形態的洗練美形,營造未來風尚,輕鬆分享空間中多媒體的絕佳顯示效果。雅緻柔和的珍珠色系,與家庭的室內空間自然相融合,搭配操作區域淡雅的冷光,突顯出眾的時尚品味。
BenQ GP10 is a slim LED projector with a removable DVD player designed for household that looks for high visual quality and family interaction. Design concept comes from geometric elements to show the aesthetics of minimalism and future mode. Through the ‘square’ body and the ‘round’ lens, a sense of harmony and clearness can be perceived from each angle. Gentle pearl color naturally matches with household interior; the elegant luminescence around working section shows a sense of fashion taste, while the icons are easy to be manipulated.
Good Design Award 2010 評語
This simple shape, based on straight lines and curves, and the cylindrical shape of the lens are in balance with each other, combining into a pleasing form that is what you expect of a projector. We liked the effort that was taken to use a two-layer structure to make the machine compact and the fact that the ventilation holes are expressed as slits and seem to disappear into the rest of the machine. The use of pale colors is effective in softening the square shape of the projector.