U103 筆記型電腦



BenQ U103 10 吋 NB 是針對希望隨時隨地都可以輕鬆上網族群所設計。採用超薄型的 LCD 面板,整體重量只有 1 公斤;雖然體積小巧輕薄,但是加大的鍵盤尺寸讓操作更加舒適。搭配快速充電功能, 充電 1 小時即可再使用六小時。U103 在設計上也追求環保節能的高標準,並通過 EPEAT 的認證。使用可回收的塑料、更省電的 LED 背光面版、節能的 CPU。另外低耗能的規格讓無風扇的設計成為可能,讓噪音降至26dB 以下,解決使用者對聲音的不適感。

BenQ U103 is a 10” laptop designed for consumers with high demand in internet using; it is light and slim that enables users to surf internet anytime anywhere. BenQ U103 is equipped with slim LCD panel, which weighs only 1kg in total. With the Quick Charge function, charging can be completed shortly; big key design offers more comfortable manipulation. Eco issue and energy-saving is another standpoint of U103 and has passed the EPEAT recognition; the plastic material is recyclable, CPU is energy-saving and the efficiency of battery has been extended. Besides, the non-fan design reduces sound down to 26dB, which solves discomfort caused by noise.

Good Design Award 2010 評語

Modular composition of this PC is most thoroughly expressed on the sides. Even though this machine has a standard design for a mobile notebook, it is extremely well put together.
