- iF Design Award 2010
- reddot design award 2010
BenQ 數位時尚設計中心針對一般家庭成員平日的互動加以觀察,設計一台方便全家人分享溝通的資訊平台 21.5 吋 nScreen touch 觸碰式 all-in-one 電腦。nScreen touch 設定為家中第二台電腦,連結 skype phone 與市話,設計核心以資訊整合進而活絡家庭感情為目的,藉由內建的 “Note UI” 整合系統搭配直覺式的 21.5 吋觸碰螢幕,讓不論是長者、小孩,經常使用電腦或是對科技陌生的人,所有人都能簡單操作,獲得即時資訊及留言。外觀上,完整一體的線條更顯簡潔,雙轉軸式的設計可輕易調整高度及視角,甚至完整收平,壁掛於客廳牆上或走廊。
By observing the interaction between family members, BenQ Lifestyle Design Center designs a 21.5″ all-in-one touch panel computer as an information and communication platform in household. Nscreen Touch is designed to be positioned as the second PC in household, connecting both skype phone and local calls for the purpose of encouraging family interaction.Owing to its simple and intuitive design, both children and the elderly, and even those who are afraid of IT products are able to use it at ease.