V2400 螢幕



BenQ V2400 是針對注重環保節能,同時又講求時尚品味之消費者所設計的 18 吋 LED 液晶螢幕。從中國漆器取得靈感,粹取其精神,將黝黑透晰的圓盤轉化為時尚潮流,呈現出一種橫跨古今的典雅造形。圓潤的盤形底座,彷如桌面的釉黑漆盤。弧形的盤面反射光影,映射出東方的寧靜美感;圍繞在盤面邊緣的鑽切金屬飾環,與盤面深沉的漆黑相互襯托,閃閃生輝。全平面的面框設計,讓人產生螢幕無邊際、最大化的視覺效果。螢幕背部透過設計手法將機心厚度集中在下方,強調上部乾淨、簡單的平面,直接帶出 LED 面版的輕薄特性;搭配纖細的頸部,能彰顯整體羽量級的感受。

BenQ V2400 is an 18″ energy-saving LED monitor designed for consumers who care about ecological issues yet desire a trendy lifestyle. Designers were inspired by Chinese lacquer work, turning traditional craft art into fashion goods to create cross-time elegance. The monitor base is shaped like a round plate, coated with blackness to reflect oriental peace and beauty. With the frameless design, the plane surface of the screen offers a sense of boundlessness, showing mature aesthetics of slimness and lightness. Simplicity is the main principle for this product; with a thin column and LED panel, the feather-weight design can be highlighted.
