GP1 投影機



GP1 不只輕巧易攜、造型時尚,也非常簡單易用。在輸入方面,採用包含 USB 等輸入介面,隨插即用更方便。簡單明瞭的熱感應式操作介面,帶給使用者更輕鬆快速的操作經驗。除了輸出畫面,GP1 並內建音響,讓影像與聲音兼具。將體積縮到最小;將重量減到最輕,打造出不到 660 公克的袖珍身軀。搭配 LED 3 倍光源與高品質鏡頭,讓 GP1 不但輕巧,亮度亦高。除了可以輕鬆地放入包包內帶著走,價格上也不會造成荷包的負擔,開創個人行動投影的新紀元。

With the advent of personal portable devices such as the iPod, Netbook and
the upcoming MID, both work and play can be easily carried in your pocket or
bag. These compact little devices are especially suited to the needs of
personal users. When people want to share or discuss what’s in the device,
however, the tiny screen limits the level of viewing comfort. Taking this
problem into account, BenQ has designed a projector that is just as
convenient as other portable devices for personal use, yet broadens the
field of vision to make sharing and discussing content much simpler.
