- Good Design Award 2008
- Reddot Design Award: Product Design 2009
Joybook P53 是針對追求居家生活與網路多媒體並重的時尚族群而設計的 15 吋notebook。以沙發的意象出發,大面積的皮革觸感,與圓潤有型的外型做為主要的設計語彙,讓使用者得以與 Joybook P53 有著最親密的接觸體驗,藉以將舒適自在的居家感覺轉化於資訊科技產品。Joybook P53 的造型語彙來自於現代傢俱,同時結合了溫暖柔韌的皮革與冷冽金屬框架,意圖創造時尚感的居家氛圍。而在 LCD cover溫潤的皮革質感上的金屬飾帶,承襲 Joybook 一貫的書腰帶意涵,利用金屬材質的凜冽,創造對比性的美感,並串起現代都會的簡約風格;環繞在金屬表面的pattern,亦象徵虛擬世界裡網路將人與人快速地連結,藉以傳達現代追求舒適與資訊並重的時尚態度。
The Joybook P53 is a 15-inch notebook designed for the trendy consumer group keen on fusing home living with the Internet and multimedia devices. The design language of furniture – in this case a sofa – is the basis for the design. A large swath of leather covers the top of a well-rounded laptop, giving the user a cozy feel. The comfort of home has been transferred right onto an IT product.
Good Design Award 2008 評語
The product shows a sharp design in the style of an interior design trend in recent years. It also blends contrasting elements of different materials (including fullness and softness of leather, coolness and sharpness of metal frames) into one product. We can see a lot of effort to handle graphics as well. I find the design of the lateral side accented with the eye-catching hinge part is excellent.