- iF Design Award 2008
- iF Design Award China 2008, 2009
- Red Dot Design Award 2008
V2400W 是全球最薄 24 吋寬螢幕設計,機體最薄處僅有 2.4cm,其優美側面線條,呈現了極薄曲線的視覺饗宴。明基設計團隊突破一般液晶螢幕的設計傳統,大膽的將 V2400W 支架從中央向右移,並將操作按鍵設置在左方,以不對稱造型迸發強烈的視覺張力。將原本對稱穩定的狀態,注入了新的能量。
V2400W 採用黑色鋼琴鏡面烤漆,完美呈現背部優雅曲面性感。不對稱設計的設計中,畫龍點睛的藍光 LED 觸控按鍵設計,除了美學之外,更提供了人性化的觸控設計,讓您親身感受絕美畫面的操控體驗。
The V2400W is a 24” wide screen liquid crystal display monitor designed with unique style for the most visual enjoyment. Its distinctive design attracts the attention of the consumer but undermines the rigid and blunt feeling that comes with its size.
Using the contrasts of the frosted and shinny texture, the designer was able to expand the visual effects of the screen and reduce the rims. The smooth curve at the back of the monitor hides the actual thickness of the monitor.
The V2400W breaks through from the traditional rectangular monitor design and adopts the forward-thinking asymmetrical design to ingeniously switch the positioning of the buttons and stand. This creates a strong visual attraction yet the whole design remains in harmony.