M2200W 螢幕



M2200W 是針對追求簡單生活與純淨美感的使用族群而設計的22吋液晶螢幕,輕便的相框式造型結構,同時以低調的方式整合了無線網路基地台、讀卡機、喇叭,讓使用者可以獨立使用螢幕播放相片、影片與聆聽音樂等完整的多媒體享受。設計語彙來自於大自然的流水,利用柔美流暢的線條與光滑細膩的表面質感勾勒出親和乾淨的美感,藉以詮釋居家螢幕低調有型的使用氛圍,配合觸控按鍵的使用,更能提升指尖觸控的高級感。具輕巧感的相框式結構,除了減少所需的空間,把手的設計,能將螢幕更輕鬆地移動於各個房間,達到充分的自由度,而其簡潔的美背設計更讓 M2200W 不論在任何角度皆能完美的呈現。

The M2200W is for users who enjoy a simple lifestyle and pure aesthetics. Wireless Internet, a memory card slot, speakers and retractable handles are seamlessly integrated into the simple box frame design, allowing the user to simultaneously enjoy easy-to-use functions and multimedia entertainment. The mirror strip on the front of the monitor possesses touch panel functions. The symbols, which emerge and fade at the touch of a finger, lend an air of mystery to the panel while meeting the conditions of a stress-free lifestyle.

Good Design Award 2008 評語

It has a design specific about all-round presence and mobility required for a home-use PC monitor in a modern residential space. A slim leg part is , although uncertain in its rigidity, in harmony with the entire slim feel, and the simple treatment of the rear side with double panel structure in line with the entire style is agreeable.
